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Pregnancy and Children

Pregnancy Treatment with our Ipswich Chiropractor

Chiropractic treatment for pregnancy is always aimed at making things as comfortable as possible for mum and baby. Growing a baby puts a huge amount of pressure on the body. It can alter how things function, including changing your posture. Low back pain, neck pain, sciatica and headaches are all very common during and after pregnancy. These are also more likely to happen if you have experienced them prior to pregnancy. Our chiropractor has undergone specific training to help pregnant women with these issues. Our chiropractic consultation will consist of a thorough history and examination of the muscles, joints and nerves. This steers our plan for treatment.


Treatment is generally lighter during pregnancy, to make things as comfortable as possible for mum and baby. We also have a lovely pregnancy pillow that everyone just loves lying on. Advice on nutrition, exercise and ergonomics during pregnancy can also be invaluable. Expect advice from our Ipswich chiropractor when you visit.


For more information check out our blog on 'Pregnancy Pain Treatment'

Paediatric Treatment with our Ipswich Chiropractor

Our Ipswich Chiropractor has a keen interest in treating babies and children. Babies and Children can experience many of the symptoms that we do, but sometimes struggle to communicate them. These can be common symptoms such as headaches and low back pain. Babies can experience a lot of pressure on their head and neck during delivery and this can lead to dysfunctions around the neck. More children are also having issues with their posture. Whatever it is, getting on top of any issues as quickly as possible is always best. A thorough history and examination can help to understand your child’s problems.


Treating children with Chiropractic can be very similar to treating adults, just lighter. We adapt our treatment to accommodate children at all stages of development. This mainly comes down to a child's age. With children that are over seven our treatment techniques tend to be very similar (with less force as they are not as stiff as we are). Under sevens we tend to use lighter techniques especially with babies. Often, we will do treatment with babies, and you will be surprised how little is needed. We will also provide advice and exercises where beneficial.

Dr Mykel Mason high fiving a three year old boy sitting on a treatment bench with mother smiling in the background
Dr Mykel Mason kneeling next to a six year old girl, both smiling, with mum smiling in the background
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